Nomis's Thoughts

Random mumblings about Life Email: Msn: =)

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Pain is a good thing. It lets you know that you are live.

Yesterday, I suffered a dislocated shoulder as I tried to perform a tennis smash a la Sampras. The pain came immediately though the realization that I had a dislocated shoulder came much later when I discovered that instead of a nice roundness at the joint where your arm and shoulder connects, I had a caved-in crater there. So, my arm was then attached to my shoulder with only tendon, nerves, fats and skin. It did not seem that amazing to me then though.

I DIY-ed the injury and pushed (gently) the bone back into the socket. I really do not know how to describe the feeling when the bone is back in place so I would suggest those who are really curious to experience it first hand for yourself.

Like all good things in life (depend on how you see it), it is not good to have too much of it though.



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