Nomis's Thoughts

Random mumblings about Life Email: Msn: =)

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Was it me or ...?

Looks like the season for panic and worries and gan-cheongness is near. En route to NTU this morning via our beloved MRT, a phenomenon affirmed my suspicion. I was minding my own business as usual but I counldn't help but notice the lady sitting across my seat. She was....... *gasp* reading her notes filled full with scribblings. And so was the guy sitting a few seats next to her... And so was the guy sitting next to ME, jabbing furiously into his caluculator. Was it me hallucinating or...... is the EXAM approaching?

Exams are drawing near and yet, my pool of knowledge for this semester subjects reminds me of a serious drought in certain parts of Africa. Going to start studying with Huang Jie next week..... Sianz....


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